If you have different paper size requirement not found on default list, you may proceed to properties and create from scratch.

Simply type in command window: PLOT 

1. Click on "Properties".

  • select a printer/plotter or use AutoCAD PDF 
  • click properties


2. Custom Paper Sizes (click to add).

  • click Custom Paper Sizes
  • click the "ADD" button

select custom paper size
custom paper sizes - add

3. Select "Start from Scratch".

start from scratch
start from scratch

4. Input the needed paper size and units.

units and paper size
paper size and units

5. You may opt to change all margins to "0" ZERO from all sides (or leave as is)

  • this would be the printable area, all objects outside this boundary will not be printed
printable area
printable area or margin

5. Give a name that you can easily find from list.

for quick access name your paper size
paper size name

6. Click "Finish".

finish the paper size customization

Your custom paper size is successfully added, to check, go back to "PLOT" and check from drop down menu of paper sizes.

paper size added
paper size added

You should see your paper size from list, like shown in image.

paper size selection menu
paper size selection menu

Open your Layout Tab beside Model

layout tab
layout tab

Now select your newly created paper size and click "Apply to Layout".

apply to layout
apply to layout

You may rename the "Layout1" to your desired paper size name


After you customized your paper or whether you selected from the default lists, you must draw the exact dimension size of paper via "rectangle" command.


Type "RECTANGLE" or REC and hit enter key in command window

Type "0,0" and hit enter

draw rectangle
rectangle at 0,0 starting point

Type "Dimensions" or "D" and hit enter

  • Input the exact dimensions of your paper from length and width values
  • for this sample "420" and "297" respectively
  • input one by one followed by the space bar or enter key
rectangle dimensions
input rectangle dimensions

After the last value of rectangle when you hit the enter key, the rectangle should already in place along with your paper size.


If in case your rectangle happens to be outside the "paper size", 

  • use the "WINDOW" selection, make sure to check "center the plot"
  • Drag and select the rectangle from one corner to the other 
  • and click "Apply to Layout" and should fit to your paper size.

You may start drawing your title block after aligning your rectangle in place.

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